
Let’s bring full-strength beer selections to Minnesota’s grocery and convenience stores!

Support modernizing Minnesota’s beer laws at the March 3
public rally at the Capitol!

March 3, 2020 1:00-2:00 P.M.

MN State Capitol
Saint Paul, MN

It’s Time To Modernize Minnesota’s Outdated Beer Laws

  • Minnesota is the only state in the country that restricts grocery and convenience stores from selling beer above 3.2% alcohol by volume.

  • The 3.2 beer restriction is a relic of the Prohibition era, meaning Minnesota has not updated its laws in nearly 90 years — even as consumer tastes and preferences have evolved.

  • Colorado, Oklahoma, Utah and Kansas have all taken steps to eliminate their 3.2 beer restrictions in recent years, allowing consumers in those states to enjoy a wider selection of their favorite ales and lagers.

Supply Of 3.2 Beer Is Running Dry

  • With Minnesota the last state requiring 3.2 beer, it is becoming almost impossible for grocery and convenience stores to find enough to stock their shelves.

  • Makers of some of Minnesotans’ favorite beers have already discontinued their 3.2 beer products with such a limited market, and many others may soon follow suit.

  • Brewing companies have made clear to Minnesota grocers that its status as the lone remaining state with a 3.2 beer cap was behind their decision to halt production. 

Support Minnesota’s Booming Craft Brewing Industry

  • Minnesota’s craft brewing industry is one of the fastest-growing nationwide, with the number of active breweries in the state more than tripling in recent years.

  • Allowing craft brewers to sell their products in grocery and convenience stores would bolster this still-growing industry and create valuable jobs in our communities.

Other States Are Taking Advantage Of Full-Strength Beer Sales

  • In just one year after Oklahoma voters overturned its 3.2 beer laws, state officials reported nearly $14 million in new revenue — a record for the state — while its beer industry saw double-digit growth.

  • The Colorado Department of Revenue was able to generate taxes from nearly 20 percent growth in beer sales in stores in 2019, providing valuable funding for the state. 

Let Customers Have The Choice And Convenience

  • Minnesota consumers should have the same choice and convenience of buying regular beer in grocery and convenience stores – just like other consumers in the U.S.

  • Allowing the sale of regular beer at grocery and convenience stores will give consumers more convenience and will allow them to avoid having to drive to state-run liquor stores where they will also have access to hard alcohol/distilled spirits.